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Fantasy Football Draft Analyzer

View an instant analysis of your mock and real drafts to see how your team stacks up.

Key Features (Read our full FAQ here)
See how we grade your draft as soon as it's completed.
Instantly access projected standings along with Starter and Bench ratings.
View your team's strengths and weaknesses compared to the rest of the league.
Find out which players were the top steals and reaches in your draft.
Support for salary cap drafts, keeper leagues, and custom draft formats.

What is the Draft Analyzer?
Our fantasy football Draft Analyzer provides an instant analysis of your mock and real drafts. It gives you a quick idea of how your team stacks up against your opponents. You also receive a breakdown of your team's strengths and weaknesses along with a summary of your best picks, steals & reaches.
Can I analyze fantasy football drafts from other sites?
Yes, the Draft Analyzer works with any draft that you have synched or manually tracked with our Draft Assistant. It will also work with mock drafts run with our Draft Simulator and mock drafts from ESPN, Yahoo, CBS and FFCalculator.
What is the Draft Score based on?
We score the draft based on total value over replacement player (VORP). Essentially, how much more value does your roster have over the players that are readily available on the waivers after your draft. The Draft Score is the sum total of fantasy points over the replacement team on the waivers. We provide three perspectives on the Draft Scores: 1) Based on FantasyPros ECR, 2) Based on Your Cheat Sheet, and 3) Based on our Expert Poll.
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